Sunday, September 7, 2014


Of course, it was a busy summer!  That is a given, right? 
In June, D and I got to go Idaho.  While we were there,  D attended a BYU -I Adventures for Youth, at Badger Creek.  He loved it, and wants to go back next year.  I got to work for K.  Yes, I did say work.  I did have a great time, but we were busy.  We cleaned, and painted, and built, and chatted.  We painted her room and baby O's, and put shelves in his closet, and got some things organized to utilize every corner of a small apartment.  We let A help too, but he was working too, so he missed some of the fun.
We picked up D at the end of the week, and headed to Island Park for a reunion with my family.  And it rained, and rained, and rained.  Unfortunately, it rained so much, that we mostly took cover, and tried to stay warm, so it seemed we didn't really even have a lot of time to visit. But we survived, and I am grateful for T and J for planning it, even though most of their plans were rained out. 
G did not join us, somebody has to work so we can play!  Actually he had a conference in Washington Thursday through Sunday, so he needed to be there.

We were home for a few days, and off to San Diego to celebrate G's sisters birthday.  We had a really great time, although D was pretty bummed we didn't make it to the beach.  I think we mostly just ate.  My kind of vacation!

Did I mention that I really loved the food?  Okay, the fireworks were pretty good too.  From were we were sitting (inside a restaurant) we could see three shows simultaneously.  I also got to do another of my favorite things...relax by a pool in the sunshine.  G liked the giants and padres game too.  Thank you C and R for a great time.

Next, we were off for some immediate family time.  But not before we spent three days in Winnemucca for yet another conference for G.  There isn't much to do there, but we made the best of it.  G and I took an underground mine tour. (D couldn't go because of his age.)  I have to say, it was pretty impressive, interesting, and informative.  But I don't think I would like to work down there.  Then we headed to Island Park, arriving very early in the morning.  K and A were already there, and we were ready to just enjoy the time together.  Once again, it was rainy, but we, okay, they did a puzzle, and we played some games, and watched a few movies.  I think A and D are really  the brothers, they have always wanted.  We went to the playmill one night, went to Yellowstone, sat in the hot tub, the boys golfed, played racquet ball, and mostly just relaxed.  It was great!

This is "Foot Golf."  It was so fun, even I could somewhat do it. (although I made K lose, because we took turns.)  You golf with a soccer ball and kick it from hole to hole.  We loved it!

Next up was a celebration for my Grandma's 90th Birthday.  I got to see some of my aunts and uncles I hadn't seen for a while, and a few cousins.  It was a shame not more people thought it was a big deal and came to celebrate.  Here is a picture of me and Grandma, and one of my uncle Jerry.  He looks just like I remember Grandpa.  Grandpa used to dress up for special family occasions and dance around dressed as an Indian.  There is some significance to the Order of the Arrow, that he was very involved in.  One of my memories of Grandma is being at her house when her pasture got irrigated.  We didn't have a swim suit, so she would fix us up a makeshift bikini top out of a tea towel, and we would swim and play in that and our underwear....Scandalous!  But what a great time I remember having.  So good to see her.  I can't wait to get a five generation picture when baby O arrives.

Good things:
1.  Safe travels
2.  Memories
3.  Legacy

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