Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 5, 2018

 this week we went all over the place and were hardly in our area. we teach english classes in the church but this week we were out of town and so we sent a mexican to teach and 17 people came and she was not happy with us. Me and my companion are still killing it. This week we went to misson council, and then we went to jala and ixtlan del rio for divisions with the assistants, then we went to tepic for interviews with president an to teach that part of the zone, then we went to santiago ixcuintla for interviews with the rest of the zone and we taught something different, then saturday night we got back to our area and yesterday was church so theres not much to say.  what spanish are you asking about? ricardo and diana have two little boys that are so cute.(Elder Velazquez) his english is alright, he wants to go to byui so i try to work with him a lot but i always forget. i need socks and jeans, and the pants you send, can they be like 30 waist and slim fit so i look papi? im studying the new testament and the doctrine and covenants and the book of mormon right now, its neat.

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