Monday, February 5, 2018

January 28, 2018

This letter was written to be read to the Fallon II ward in sacrament meeting:

Whatsup fallon second ward. im in mexico i think. Things are good around here. im in a place called tuxpan nayarit, its a lot like fallon, i mean as close as a pueblo in mexico can get to fallon. there is a lot of agriculture like fallon at least. There are like 4 paved roads, and the members are awesome. I was reading the parabola about the 99 sheep, and how Jesus leaves the 99 sheep to look for the 1. Its not because 1 is more important than the 99, that isnt very logical. but it is because Jesus knows he can trust the 99 to stay together while he goes out looking for the 1. If you are listening right now, it means you are in church and it means you are one of the 99. Stay together. Being in little branches you see the differences between a branch that rises and a branch that falls. the difference is unity. Make sure that you stick together. Do activities, dont wait for bishop sommer to plan it, or wait for someone to invite you. Just call up someone invite them over. Before a ward can grow it has to be strong within. If you notice someone isnt at church, shoot them a text, pass by, see why they werent there. People have to feel loved and wanted. Ummmmm i dont know what else to tell you guys. be thankful for all that you have? I know forever families are real. A couple weeks ago we went to the sealing of some of our converts and it was the strongest i have felt the spirit in my life. Just to see a mother looking at her kids and then looking at the mirrors that go on forever and realizing that not even death can seperate her from her kids was a really cool experience. Everyone who isnt sealed should make that a goal. Also, i know that God listens and answer our prayers, we just have to pray with faith and be specific. A while back we went to a little town in the middle of nowhere on the edge of the cierra and we didnt know anybody, we went because President told us he wanted us to start opening the area. so we went and said a prayer that someone would recognize us and we went contacting and someone recognized us and yells "Elders" so we went and talked to them, but they we from another town, just passing through. So we said another prayer that we could find someone that recognized us that is from there, and once again "elders" so we go and talk to him, and he says "im from here but havent lived here in 40 years, so im not sure where the members live" so we said another prayer that we could find someone who recognized us, who is from there, and who lives there, and we walk a little more and "elders" and he was from there and lived there, and he told us where some members live and we went and visited them and they introduced us to some other members, so that was neat. Thats probably all ive got to say. catch you guys on the flip side, see you in a little bit

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