Thursday, April 28, 2011

Self Evaluation

I wanted to label this post, "What I learned about myself." but I already have that post, so maybe I am getting a little wiser after all. Anyway, this whole competition has been very interesting to me, and I really have learned about myself. So if you care to know what is inside my head, keep reading, otherwise, save yourself now!

I have a comfort zone that is really quite small. I do lots of things sufficently, but very few things well. If I don't feel sufficient or good at something, I just quit, or don't do it at all. There is proof in many areas of my life such as guitar, voice, and piano lessons to name a few. I am afraid of rejection, so I don't put myself in positions where I may be rejected. (not trying out for sports, or things of that nature.) I live my life very safely. I am not a risk taker by any stretch of the imagination. I live a comfortable, relatively easy life compared to others who struggle each day with various challenges. (of which I am thankful, and truly feel blessed.) Never putting myself out - there! The point I am trying to make is that I have never really worked hard for something. Never felt I needed to prove myself. Just been content to be... never reaching, stretching, or going to unfamiliar areas of "my world."

I went into this little "contest" at the persuasion of a friend, with no real intent to win. But I found as I worked hard that I felt a sense of accomplishment that I had never really felt before. At each training session I found myself sweating, pushing, and working through things I had no idea my body could actually do. Occasionally my partner and I would both show up wearing our "Got Courage" t-shirts, and I would smile to myself and think about a talk given by Sister Dalton of the General Young Womens program. In this talk she was telling the young women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that there will be difficult times when they will have to stand up for what they know to be true and that it will be difficult to be different than those around them, but that it is okay because, "We can do hard things." That thought continued to come into my mind all through this contest as I pushed myself in a way I never had. I have always chosen the easy way, the comfortable way, the safe way. But I learned, "I can do hard things."

That small box is still pretty small, and I am not stepping out of it, but I am making it a little bigger. What I have learned has been on a physical level, but I hope I can apply it to other areas of my life as well. It is those hard things we are faced with (whether we choose them, or they choose us) that will strengthen us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

So I say to you, "We can do hard things." Go out and conquer whatever it is that will push you to your limit and then over the edge to your own personal victory! See what it is you learn about yourself.

Good Things:
1. Pushing yourself over the edge
2. Friends who cheer you on
3. Learning about yourself

The Results are In

As many of you know, I was in a contest! I know, kind of out of my box. Actually, just expanding my box as I like to say. Anyway here are the final results of the 12 week muscle gain competition:
By the way, I did poorly in the muscle gain category, but I like the look of the results I got.
Total fat loss - 14lbs
Total muscle gain - 4lbs
My body fat went from 27% to 19.3%
I now have 105 lbs of lean muscle

Now, to continue with the knowledge I have gained!

Good things:
1. satisfaction with my hard work
2. G saying I look good
3. Feeling good from healthy eating

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Who inspires you?

I just read this quote...
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a leader." John Quincy Adams
This statement got me thinking about who my leader and inspiration is. The obvious answer here would be Jesus Christ. Especially at this time of year when we are are a little more prone to think of all he has done for us, and all he would have us do to become like him. And although I expect each of you to have that as your top answer, I want you to leave a comment about who else inspires you to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. It doesn't have to be anyone I know, but tell me who, and why.
I could probably choose one person each day for the next month, if not more. I have so many wonderful people in my life who inspire me in so many different ways it is difficult to choose just one. What a blessing to be surrounded with such great people. But for now, I will choose just one.
Amy has been my most recent inspiration. As I have gotten to know her better, I am amazed at what she can get done in one day, what she learns and can remember about nutrition, all she does for others, and how she is patient with her children, and how she is constantly teaching them the gospel in fun ways. She is filled with wisdom, spunk, and determination. Thanks, Amy, You are a leader and an inspiration. Thank you!
Don't forget to leave a comment...

Good Things:
1. Inspirational people in my life
2. Knowing you can be and do better
3. Having a Savior to make up the difference