Wednesday, October 30, 2019

November 10, 2018

Hey momma, Things are still busy around here, we had more special transfers this week for disobedient missionaries, and today we are going to tecuala where the hurricane hit with president, were going 3 weeks later, but were going...I dont think things will mellow out before i leave because the area president is coming in a couple weeks. My new companion is pretty cool, i still dont know him super well but hes cool. I feel like an old man because theres lots of things where i can tell he has a lot less time on the mission than me. he is from mexico city. miracle this week was we went to a place where there were 50 houses and you have to touch the doorbell and the person opens the gate for you from inside their house, and i felt like we should go visit this lady, but i didnt know where she lived, i just remembered she lived by the bank, so we get to this gated thing and i ring the first doorbell i thought of, doorbell 11, and she answered and let us in, so that was kinda neat. I contacted 150 people this week probably, and we started knocking doors in the apartment buildings because we dont have investigators, but everyone just rejects us so hard. we met an indian guy, the conversation went like this,
"buenas tardes hermano disculpe"
"I know about your church"
"wow you speak english, how do you know english" 
"i am from india" 
"woooow thats so cool, could we come back some time to talk"
"i think maybe not because i dont really need your love and your religious stuff"
i dont know why but i thought it was funny, the kid i was with got super excited that he spoke english and he just shut us down. 

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